Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ-Cash Swap
How to input sender information on Form Two?
How to input sender information on Form Two?
The system prefills sender "Email Address" and "Phone Number" by default.
A: This field requires you select your Purpose for Making the Payment, please choose correctly
B: Sender is required to input Email Address (prefill on APP by default)
C: Sender is required to input valid Phone Number (prefill on APP by default)
How to check Receiver amount in "Chinese Yuan" using Form 2?
How to check Receiver amount in "Chinese Yuan" using Form 2?
A: This field requires you to input the "How much Money in Naira" you are sending
B: Is the Equivalent the receiver will get in Chinese Yuan.
*Note: A and B changes simultaneously.
How to enter "Alipay Receivers' details" accurately using Form 2
How to enter "Alipay Receivers' details" accurately using Form 2
A: Must be the Receivers Valid Alipay Number or Email Address (Check receiver Alipay for correct credential)
B: Must Be the Receivers Valid Alipay Name in Capital Letters Example "JAMES BROWN" (Check receiver Alipay for correct credential)
How to Accept "Terms and Conditions" on Form Two
How to Accept "Terms and Conditions" on Form Two
A: Sender should Accept Terms and Conditions
B: Sender should Accept Wallet Terms and Condition
For detailed terms and condition view more
How to add additional comment on Form Two?
How to add additional comment on Form Two?
A: Optional Message the Sender may choose to send
B: it a Read only field with show the status of a Transaction.
How to make payment using Form 2
How to make payment using Form 2
A: Clears all Data on the Form 2
B: Proceed "to Checkout Page where Payment is Authenticated.
A: Select Pay with Card Payment
B: Input card detail including Card Number, Expiry Date and C V V.
How to input currency using Form 3
How to input currency using Form 3
A: Sender is Required to select the Receivers Currency Type example USD, YUAN, NAIRA, EUROS
B: Sender is Required to input how much is been sent in USD
C: Shows the equivalent Amount Receiver is expected to get in currency selected in A:
How to input Phone No. and Purpose of payment? using Form 3
How to input Phone No. and Purpose of payment? using Form 3
A: Sender is Required to input Phone Number
B: Sender is Required to Select the Purpose for making this Payment.
How to input Receives details? using Form Three
How to input Receives details? using Form Three
A: Sender is Required to Select Receivers Bank Location
B: Sender is Required to Select Receivers Bank Name.
A: Sender is Required to input Receiver Account Name.
B: Sender is Required to input Receiver Account Number.
A: Sender is Required to select Receiver Account Number Currency.
B: Sender is Required to select Swift Code (Optional)